Safe Human Foods for Cats to Eat

March 09, 2022 in Cat

Some cats are notoriously fickle when it comes to their meals. They'll often turn up their noses at the kibble they've eaten for years. Other cats, though, are ready to chow down on anything and everything — including the pizza on your plate. But it's wrong to share food with your cat, right?

Safe Human Foods for Cats to Eat

Not always.

Though you shouldn't give your purring friend free access to your pantry and refrigerator, you probably have some human food for cats in your kitchen. These are foods that won't hurt a kitty who has been given a clean bill of health during routine vet exams. They're also foods that are in their purest forms and free of additives like salt, sugar, and chemicals that could be toxic to a feline's sensitive digestive system.

Human Foods Safe for Cats

Which of your favorite snacks and ingredients fall into the category of human food safe for cats? Here are our top five recommendations.

1. Vegetables

Cats don't really need to fuel up on veggies like humans do. They need proteins more than anything else. However, your pet may appreciate some spinach, peas, or carrots. For best bets and to avoid choking hazards, cut up any leafy or root veggies. Then, steam or boil the pieces so they're soft and digestible. Never add any seasonings.

2. Fruits

What human food can cats eat besides vegetables? Some fruits are perfectly fine. These include cut-up pieces of strawberries and melon. You can try out blueberries as well. You don't have to cook the fruit, either. Just be careful not to overdo the amount of fruit you allow your cat to ingest. Fruits have natural sugars that can make your cat feel queasy.

3. Grains

You're making yourself a morning bowl of oatmeal. Why not whip up a tiny batch for your cat so you can have breakfast together? Your cat's oatmeal should be just oats. Skip the brown sugar or honey. White or brown cooked rice is another grain appropriate for hungry kitties. Many vets recommend that you give a cat with tummy issues, like diarrhea or loose stools, a bit of very soft rice.

4. Protein

Meats and fish belong in a cat's diet. That's why you'll see turkey, mackerel, and lamb used in most cat foods. If you're having chicken, salmon, or lean ground beef for dinner, you can feel free to share a bit with your cat. Skip the oils and spices and bake up your protein-rich treat. Remember that your cat won't be fussy about flavors the way you and your family might.

5. Hard Cheeses and Eggs

In moderation, hard cheeses are a human food safe for cats. Think genuine parmesan or even firm gouda. Hard cheese adds a touch of dairy into your cat's diet. Feel free to pair your cheese with part of a cooked, scrambled egg. Again, these are human food for cats that you should think of as occasional snacks. Cheese and eggs are incredibly rich. Cats usually can't handle having them too frequently or in substantial quantities.

Avoiding Problems with Feeding Cats from the Table

It's vital to mention that even if your cat will eat something, it doesn't know what's safe and what isn't. Cats have been known to "steal" all sorts of foods from countertops, coffee tables, and dishes. Your role is to protect your cat from the wrong items so you avoid a trip to the emergency vet.

Consequently, be wary of giving your cat anything you're not sure its tummy can tolerate. Yes, it can be hard to say no to an insistent furry pal who wants a taste of what you're enjoying. However, now that you know what human food is good for cats, you can confidently redirect your kitty's attention in a more beneficial, nutritious, and healthful direction.

To learn more about caring for your cat and ensuring it has the best, healthiest diet possible, schedule an appointment today.