Proofing Your House for a New Pet
Adding a new fur baby to your family is an exciting time! You know that you need to get bags of food, water, bowls, and a lot of other goodies to pamper your new pooch or kitty. But in all the excitement, it is important that you don't overlook the task of proofing your house to make it a safe place for your new pet.

Here are five ways to get started:
1. Invest in pet gates, crates, and barriers - When you decide to open your home to your new furry friend, make sure to keep them away from valuable items. If any rooms in your house contain expensive furniture, rugs, or even antiques, it is crucial to block access to those rooms. It is also important to ensure your new pet cannot get into rooms where they can find things that might harm them.
There are several good ways to prevent your little friend from destroying precious possessions and getting into harm's way. You can use plastic barriers or gates made to keep toddlers safe. Many options are available that are made for pets, but things that are used to child-proof a house work well, too. An escape-proof dog crate is a great investment if you have a new puppy!
2. Do an eye-level sweep - One of the most important ways to ensure your home is a safe place for your new fur baby is to get on their level and take a good look around. Pay attention to items on the floor because they are likely to become unintentional chew toys. Are your shoes out of reach? Do you have any small choking hazards on the floor? These can be easy to overlook if you don't get on your hands and knees to inspect the area. If you have any plants, you'll want to make sure they are not problematic for dogs or cats.
3. Protect furniture and rugs - If you bring home a brand-new puppy or kitten, you have to be prepared for some potential messes while your puppy is house training and your kitty is working to find the litter box. One great solution is to use washable rugs. That way, you don't have to give up your aesthetic while puppy-proofing or kitty-proofing your house.
Protecting furniture can be made easier by investing in a pet-proof couch cover. Not only does a pet-proof cover on your furniture help with potential messes, but certain materials are also good for protecting your things from the scratching of your cat's claws. Using protective coverings also helps during shedding season.
4. Move all wires and cords out of sight - It is likely that you have many cords to charge your phones, computers, and everything else. But those dangling cords can be hazardous to your adventurous pets. You'll want to hide those cords by tucking them away, so they won't be a strangulation hazard. Don't forget about the potential danger of window blinds as they can be especially tempting for cats to play with and get tangled up in. Cat-proof blinds are the best approach to this potential problem. This type of blind doesn't have dangling cords.
5. Install child-proof locks on lower cabinets - Just like it is important to keep babies and toddlers safe from the items you keep down low, such as cleaners, it is equally as important to keep pets from accessing those items. Puppy proofing in places like the kitchen or laundry room can be as simple as adding child-proof locks to the lower cabinets.
Don't forget to put your trash in a location your pets cannot access as well. Dogs and cats are likely to get into just about anything, and trash is no exception. It's more than just the potential for a mess; you could have thrown something away that could be harmful to your pet. Use a trash can with a lid or tuck the trash can into a locked lower cabinet.
If you are swirling in the excitement of adding a puppy or kitten to your family, contact us for advice and preventative care to keep your new friend safe and in great health.