Getting Your Dog Ready for Easter
Spring has arrived and Easter with it. While planning your family
gathering, Easter egg hunt, Easter baskets, and getting ready for the Easter
bunny to arrive, don't forget to include your dog in your festivities! Easter
can be just as fun for your four-legged friend. All it takes is a little
creative planning and preparation to throw a great Easter dog celebration

Make the Perfect Easter Dog Basket
Easter baskets are often a favorite tradition for little ones. This year, include your pup in the fun and make them an Easter dog basket, too! You'll want to skip the fake grass and other traditional trappings of Easter baskets as they can be hazardous for your dog, but you can still put everything in a fun basket and repurpose the basket as a toy bin later. Make sure that if you have a smaller dog, you use a shallow basket so they can easily dig around in it and find all of their treats.
Some great ideas for easter dog toys and treats to include in the basket are:
- The
dog version of Peeps, Mutt Mallows
- Plush
toys shaped like flowers, bunnies, and carrots
- An
Easter-themed frisbee
- An
Easter-themed bandana, collar, and leash
- A
rope toy shaped like a bunny or a chick
- Homemade Easter
dog treats, like these peanut butter and carrot dog biscuits
- New
dog food
- A dog-themed Easter book, like Clifford's Happy Easter (did you know that dogs enjoy being read to?)
You can get creative with your Easter dog basket, but make sure that everything you include is safe for them to consume and/or play with. They'll have a blast digging into their baskets when the time comes!
Get a Dog Easter Outfit
Another fun way to include your dog in the holiday is to get a dog Easter outfit and have a little photoshoot for them. If your dog has an aversion to full outfits, you can always tie a cute Easter bandana around their neck or put an Easter bow on their collar or ears. If your dog loves getting dressed up in different costumes, though, some great ideas for dog Easter outfits are:
- A
- A
- A
- A
- An egg
Not only will your dog look cute in these costumes, but there are actually some hidden benefits of playing dress-up with your pup occasionally. Putting your dog in clothing can relieve stress and anxiety, add some layers if the weather isn't warm where you are, and can be a fun way for you to bond.
Dog Easter Safety Tips
In the excitement of the day, there are a few things to remember when it comes to your dog's health and safety.
As tempting as it can be on a special day like Easter, dogs shouldn't be sharing your holiday meal with you. Many human foods are actually toxic for dogs to consume, and this is especially true of many of the treats and foods that most of us typically indulge in on Easter. Anything made with garlic, onions, or xylitol is toxic for dogs, and chocolate is extremely toxic for them, too.
Make sure to keep an extra eye on your dog throughout the day and don't leave plates or cups unattended. Dogs can sense your excitement on special occasions, which sometimes emboldens them to try a little bit harder than they normally would to get extra treats and table scraps.
Easter is a fun holiday that marks the newness and vibrancy of
spring. By including your pup in your festivities this year with a dog
Easter outfit and an Easter dog basket and fun
new Easter dog toys, you can make the day even more special!
For more information on safe and healthy treats for your dog or to learn more
about how to safely celebrate holidays with your pet, get in
touch today.