
Super Bowl of 2020 this silly girl lost all self control when a plate was left unguarded and ingested a chicken wing, the next morning she collapsed in my back yard and immediately the mess began from both ends. We were turned away at the nearest animal clinic, so I drove a bit further to the Forever Vets Tinseltown location. I walked in with her in my arms and tears pouring down my face. The team urgently jumped to action. My poor girl was making a bloody mess constantly in the room, I felt so bad, for her and for anyone else who might have to clean up. Every time I tried cleaning up another explosion myself, a nurse came right in and, without hesitation, stepped in for me. At the time I was not able to do everything for her that could ideally be done (financially) but together the nurse and I worked out what | COULD do and they gave me all the support possible with advice and knowledge on the diagnosis (HGE). Dalia did not learn her lesson and still, to this day, will sneak whatever she can. Luckily WE learned and have made adjustments to our own behaviors.